About us
Each birth is unique and each life is unique so each die and each farewell.
Just as unique should attendance
We are the pioneers for a changing funeral culture. We support our customers and we give them the ability to do what they like to and we help them with the things they do not like.
n our Funeral home there is room for any kind of goodbye: for the classic and traditional farewell but also for more modern and contemporary forms.
It is our motivation to be a place for harder circumstances, where bereaved can feel comfortable and save. We are a place where mourning and acceptance of life can be.


- The biggest part of our coffins were made in Germany and some even consist of recycled wood and ecofriendly glaze.
- Our urns and the interieur of the coffins consists of degradable material.
- We use recycled materials for printed matters (i. e. old maps)
- Our hears has an green enviromental badge and produces less carbon emissions.

- We handle fair with our employees, our suppliers and with ourselves
- We envalue communication and we daily ask about the situation of our employees, our clients and ourselves.
- We handle economical with the resources we have. We do our best to eleminate needless workflows.
- We learn from one’s mistakes.
- Health is a very important. We do anything so we can go healthy at work
- We are building a working place where our employees like to go to work. We do this so because we know that our employees stay most of their life time at work.
- Any day we like to learn from our customers and we listen to them.
- We behave clear and attentive with ourselves so we can work on mental hygiene.
About us
Lisa Magera Murilhas, Owner, accomplished job training “Bestattungsfachkraft” of the Chamber of Crafts, Sterbeamme nach Claudia Cardinal, Certified instructor through the Chamber of Industrie and Commerce Ostwestfalen.
Luis Magera Murilhas (Jahrgang 1981), Owner, husband, Chief of Administration.
Balu, Dachshund, Caretaker, Observer, food eleminator